How to create a successful brand?

Creating a successful brand represents a competitive advantage in business. However, every day it becomes more difficult to get the attention of consumers to the large number of existing products and services. The brand is synonymous with guarantee and trust. Building a brand is to make it connect to consumers, because they are who make it successful and to achieve it, a good strategy must be carried out covering legal and marketing aspects, which will depend on the objective of the same.

Part of the work of industrial property specialists is to advise their clients in the process of creating a dynamic, original brand, capable of being identified by the consumer and, therefore, recordable and legally protected, taking advantage of marketing knowledge, knowledge of the consumer public and an overflowing imagination, overcoming in turn the limitations imposed by the Law, such as preventing the brand from being descriptive of the products or services to be protected, which may be contrary to morality and public order, or that it does not harm rights acquired by third parties, etc.

It is also important to evaluate the defense strategies of the brand, especially in the face of a market with a large presence of brands in social networks and electronic mass media.

Source: Sergio Barragán, Panelist;

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